
2016 Spring Newsletter & Binney Hill Update

The 2016 Spring/Summer newsletter has been posted. You can view it here: 2016 Spring Voice of the Wapack. In addition, this season’s newletter also includes a two page insert from the Northeast Wilderness Trust on the Binney Hill project which can be downloaded here: Binney Hill Project They can also be viewed below…

All new Guide to the Wapack Trail!

New this Spring! Our all new, full color trail guide includes end-to-end descriptions of the Wapack Trail and eight side trails, suggested hikes with maps, and sections on geology and flora and fauna. A history section provides details on the history of the trail, the Wapack Lodge, the Friends, conservation properties, and the story of skiing along the Wapack Range. The guide includes our full color trail map. Proceeds helps support our efforts to maintain Read more…