Latest Past Events
Beebe Trail / Temple Mt. Hike
Join avid hikers Gail and Gerry Coffey for a hike along the Beebe Trail to the summit of Temple Mountain. This is a joint event with the Harris Center for Conservation Education. We’ll enjoy great views of Pack Monadnock and watch for Broad-winged Hawks and other migrating raptors. We’ll continue Read more…
Mt. Watatic / State Line Trail workday
Mt. Watatic AshburnhamJoin us for a trailwork day on Saturday September 21st. We will be working on one of the most used sections of the trail, the section on Mount Watatic and the State Line trail, which follows an old cart path to the Nutting Ledges. We will be concentrating on drainage Read more…
Annual Wapack Trail End-to-End Hike
Greenfield Trailhead Mountain Road, GreenfieldHike the entire Wapack Trail in one day! Group will meet at 6:00 AM at the trail head on Mountain Road in Greenfield. Please call leader Tom Brumaghim to register and for details (603) 233-7791. Please note: This is a strenuous hike with over 3800 feet of vertical gain and Read more…